

GCSE Physics (Science) learning topics and material for students in Year 7 to Year 11.

6 topics
Kinetic and Potential Energy Stores: Physics

Kinetic and Potential Energy Stores: Physics

Kinetic Energy is the energy that an object possesses when it is in motion. It is one of the many forms of energy that objects can possess. The other ways energy can be stored or transferred include potential, thermal, chemical, nuclear, and electromagnetic energy.

Work Done
Free Members PhysicsScience

Work Done

Energy can be transferred from one object to another by doing work. When we say work is done, it means that force is applied to an object, and that force moves the object over a distance.

by Ben
Energy Stores: Revision Quiz
Premium Members PhysicsScience

Energy Stores: Revision Quiz

Learning and revising the topic of energy stores can be daunting, but it can become more manageable with the right tools and knowledge. These questions are designed to help students understand and learn the fundamental concepts of energy stores.

by Kristina & Ben
Energy Stores

Energy Stores

We use energy to fuel movement and light, which can be found in various forms, such as light waves, heat waves, sound waves and kinetic energy. When we use energy, it is not destroyed but transferred from one entity or energy source to another.

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