Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be caught by another person or animal. Cancer is a good example of a non-communicable disease. Non-communicable diseases develop naturally in the body. An example would be cancer, which occurs when the cell division process goes awry. The result is uncontrolled cell growth, which results in a tumour.

Life is full of risks!

Factors that increase the chances of an individual developing a particular disease in their lifetime are called risk factors. However, this does not necessarily mean that the person will definitely contract the disease.

There are a variety of factors that can increase the risk of developing a disease during one's lifetime. However, this does not mean one is certain to develop it.

A person's lifestyle can often contribute to their risks - from the amount of exercise they do to even eating habits. You should also know that different lifestyle choices can have varying effects on a local, national, and global level. For instance, in more economically developed nations, non-communicable ailments are more prevalent due to the population's ability to purchase high-fat food items as they tend to possess higher incomes.
The environment and our bodies can be exposed to dangerous substances. For instance, air pollution or asbestos fibres in the body may result in a number of health complications including cancer. Asbestos was a popular material used in buildings until it was realised how its fibres were hazardous to human health.
Unlike some illnesses, most non-communicable diseases are caused by a multiple risk factors working together, rather than just one risk factor.

Cause and correlation

In modern times, we can verify through research, a clear connection between certain risk factors and a particular disease or illness.Scientists identify risk factors by looking for correlations in data, and correlation does not always equate to causation. In some cases, risk factors do not directly cause a disease, but are related to another risk factor.

Scientific research has confirmed that smoking is a direct cause of illnesses such as cardiovascular disease,lung disease and lung cancer. The harmful toxins in cigarettes not only harm the arteries, but also damage the cells located in the lining of the lungs.
The consumption of excessive alcohol can result in liver disease. While the liver metabolises alcohol, the procedure can harm its individual cells. The toxic chemicals that come from a damaged gut, which is caused by alcohol, can harm liver cells. Excessive consumption of alcohol can also have an impact on brain activity. It also has the potential to harm nerve cells within the brain, which may lead to a decrease in brain size.
Risks, Lifestyle and Non-Communicable Diseases

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