All living organisms consist of cells as their basic building blocks. Specific kinds of cells perform specific functions. Cell differentiation is the process by which cells become specialised for a particular job. During the development of a multicellular organism, differentiation occurs.

Organs are formed by tissues, which are formed by specialised cells. Throughout large multicellular organisms, different mechanisms exchange and transport materials.

What is a tissue?

Tissue is a group of cells with a similar structure and functioning together as a unit.

There are many types of cells in a tissue. Humans, for example, have a variety of tissue types:

  • The epithelial tissue covers certain body parts, such as the gut.
  • Muscle tissue contracts to move whatever it is attached to.
  • The glandular tissue makes and secretes enzymes and proteins that control chemical reactions and hormones.
Types of Epithelial tissues
Types of Epithelial tissues

What are organs?

In biology, an organ, from the Latin "organum", meaning an instrument or tool, is a collection of that tissues structurally from a functional unit specialised in performing a particular function. Your heart, kidneys, and lungs are examples of organs.

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