

London, England, United Kingdom Website

Meet Dani, a London-based, multi-disciplined teacher. Dani is also an organisational admin on our platform. She manages most aspects of our website to ensure students get the best possible experience.

25 topics
Nonfiction Comprehension
Free Members English Language

Nonfiction Comprehension

In this topic, individuals can learn and revise nonfiction text using a sample extract and "a series" of multiple-choice quiz questions. This topic aims to help you learn to select and comprehend nonfiction texts for GCSE English Language exams.

by Dani
Information and Ideas

Information and Ideas

In English, you'll come across information and ideas that can be either explicit or implicit. Explicit information and ideas are straightforward and directly stated. Implicit information and ideas, on the other hand, are not directly stated but rather implied through context clues or hints.

by Dani
Diffusion: Revision Notes

Diffusion: Revision Notes

Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion occurs in liquids and gases when their particles collide randomly and spread out.

by Dani
Stem Cells Quiz
Free Members ScienceBiology

Stem Cells Quiz

Undifferentiated cells are cells that haven't yet changed to become specialised for a particular task. They are called stem cells.

by Dani
Angles Quiz P2

Angles Quiz P2

Angles are measured in degrees, written °. The maximum angle is 360°. This is the angle all the way around a point.

by Dani
Multiplying and Dividing Algebra

Multiplying and Dividing Algebra

In this section we are going to look at multiplying and dividing in algebra. Here are a few simple rules to help you get started with multiplying algebra. It is very similar to multiplying numbers.

by Dani
Types of Numbers Quiz

Types of Numbers Quiz

As various families have different members, so do differing numbers of the same family. Different types of numbers have been classified over the years. Use the quiz on this page to help you learn and remember the different types of numbers that exist in mathematics.

by Dani
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