Viral and Fungal Diseases Revision Notes: Biology

Viral and fungal diseases are some of the most pervasive health concerns today. In addition, various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, can cause both diseases.

Viral diseases are typically spread through direct contact or airborne droplets. On the other hand, Fungal infections can arise from various sources—including the environment, food and water sources, and even skin contact with an infected person or animal.

Viral and fungal diseases can have severe consequences if left untreated, making it essential for individuals to take precautions to reduce their risk of infection.

How viruses spread through hands

Common Viral Diseases

In this section, we will look at the most prevalent diseases, the signs associated with each one and the health issues they can cause.


Measles is contagious and can be passed on by someone with the virus coughing or sneezing droplets into the air. Patients contaminated with measles typically develop a reddish rash along with a fever, which is an elevated body temperature.

Measles can be life-threatening if not treated properly. In addition, it can lead to more complicated conditions such as pneumonia or a brain infection named encephalitis. These can be deadly, making it essential to seek medical help immediately if you think you may have measles. Most people are immunised against measles during their childhood years.

Tobacco Mosaic Virus

The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a viral pathogen that infects several species of plants, such as tomatoes. It can cause severe damage to crops, leading to devastating economic losses.

The presence of this virus leads to a unique mosaic pattern on the plants' leaves; some parts also become discoloured. The discolouration of the plant limits its ability to perform photosynthesis, resulting in stunted growth due to the viral infection.


HIV is mainly transferred through sexual contact or contact with body fluids, including through needle-sharing among drug users. As a result, it is essential to practice safe sex or abstain from drug use to reduce the risk of transmission.

At the onset of infection, HIV can cause some flu-like symptoms, which last for a few weeks. After that, there could be no visible signs or symptoms for years, during which HIV can be managed with antiretroviral medication to halt its replication. The virus targets the immune cells, making them vulnerable to its attack.

The immune system can't fight off other infections or cancerous cells if it is severely compromised. This condition is referred to as late-stage HIV infection or AIDS.

Common Fungal Diseases

Let's look at a popular fungal disease that affects rose plants, aptly called the Rose Black Spot.

Rose Black Spot is a fungal disease that affects rose plants, causing discolouration of their leaves. The spots can be purple or black; the leaves may eventually turn yellow and fall off.