Videos don't work for school subjects!

Online courses for school subjects have become increasingly popular over the past few years, with more and more students turning to digital learning to improve their knowledge and pass exams. And as a result, videos have become the go-to tool for many course creators to deliver course content.

Course creators are often trying to create learning content affordably and fast. And videos can be one of the cheapest forms of content creation - especially if it's someone talking to a screen! Whereas if you are trying to create written forms of learning material, then it can be highly time-consuming:

  1. As you have to know your material.
  2. Write it user-friendly style.
  3. Make sure everything is correct.
  4. Add graphics.
  5. Add quizzes, mock exams and or worksheets.

I'm sure you get it - the list is long!

However, while videos certainly have their advantages, they are only sometimes the most effective learning tool for online courses.

The young can also be confused with all the learning videos. It feels like course creators are trying to reinvent the wheel!

There are several reasons why videos are only sometimes the best way to learn online. For one, videos are a passive form of learning, meaning that students are not actively engaged in the learning process. When watching a video, students sit and observe without actively participating. This can make it more difficult for students to retain information and fully understand the presented material.

Another area for improvement with videos is that they can be very time-consuming. Videos tend to be longer than written content, and finding specific information within a video can take time and effort. This can be particularly frustrating for students trying to study efficiently, as they may spend a lot of time watching videos to find the necessary information.

In addition, videos can be challenging for students with specific learning disabilities. For example, students with hearing impairments may struggle to understand spoken video content. In contrast, students with visual impairments may find it difficult to see the presented information.

However, the biggest issue with videos is that they can be very one-dimensional. Videos present information in a linear format, with little opportunity for students to interact with the material or engage in critical thinking. This can make it more difficult for students to fully grasp the presented material, as they cannot explore it in depth or apply it to real-world scenarios.

So, if videos are not the most effective learning tool for online courses, what is? The answer lies in combining traditional learning methods, including reading, writing, and practising questions.

Reading is an incredibly effective way to learn, as it allows students to take in information at their own pace and revisit the learning material as and when required. Written content is also easier to navigate than video content, as students can quickly scan for the information they need without watching a lengthy video.

Writing is another critical component of effective learning. When students write about what they are learning, they are forced to engage with the material on a deeper level, which can help them better understand and retain the information. Writing can also help students develop their critical thinking skills, as they are encouraged to analyse and evaluate the material they are studying.

Finally, the practising question is essential to any effective learning strategy. By practising questions, students can apply the material they have learned to real-world scenarios, which can help them better understand how the material works in practice. **Practising questions also help students identify areas where they may be struggling, which can help them focus their studying efforts more effectively.

In conclusion, while videos may be a popular tool for online courses, there are more effective learning methods. Traditional learning methods such as reading, writing, and practising questions are still the best way to fully engage with the material and retain information. While videos can be a valuable supplement to these traditional methods, they should not be relied upon as the sole means of delivering course content. By incorporating various learning methods into their online courses, course creators can help ensure their students are engaged, motivated, and successful in their learning endeavours.