Money, Profit & Loss P1

Money, profit, and loss are essential concepts in GCSE mathematics relevant to everyday life, personal finance, and business management. Therefore, understanding these concepts is vital to making informed decisions regarding financial matters.

Money is simply a medium of exchange used to buy goods and services. It comes in different denominations, including coins and banknotes. In GCSE mathematics, students learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide other denominations of money.

Profit and loss are essential concepts in business and personal finance. When we say profit, we mean the difference between the revenue generated by trade or investment and the expenses incurred to generate that revenue. On the other hand, loss is the negative difference between revenue and expenses.

To calculate profit or loss, we use the following formula:

Profit or Loss = Revenue – Expenses

For example, if a company generates £10,000 in revenue and has £7,000 in expenses, the profit would be:

Profit = £10,000 - £7,000 = £3,000

Conversely, if the company had £12,000 in expenses, then the loss would be:

Loss = £10,000 - £12,000 = -£2,000

In this case, the negative sign indicates a loss.

Profit and loss can be expressed as a percentage of revenue, known as the profit margin. The profit margin is calculated as follows:

Profit Margin = (Profit ÷ Revenue) × 100