Linear Inequalities P2: Maths

We advise you to go through Linear Inequalities Part 1 before doing Part 2. You can find part 2 using the link below:

Linear Inequalities P1 • Maths Revision Notes & Quiz | GCSE.CO.UK
In GCSE mathematics, linear inequalities are an essential part of algebra. They help us understand and represent relationships between different variables and real-world situations.

Linear inequalities are mathematical statements that compare two expressions using the symbols <, >, ≤, or ≥. These expressions typically contain one or more variables, and the inequality symbol indicates the relationship between the two expressions.

Name Symbol Example
Less than < x + 93 < √5
Greater than > x + 93 > √5
Not equal x ≠ y
Less than or equal to x ≤ 93
Greater than or equal to y ≥ 99

In GCSE mathematics, linear inequalities are an important topic in algebra. They represent relationships between different variables and real-world situations and can be solved using various methods.

A linear inequality in one variable is an inequality that can be written in the form ax + b < c or ax + b > c, where a, b, and c are constants and x is the variable. For example, the inequality 2x + 1 < 5 is a linear inequality in one variable. To solve this inequality, we can isolate the variable on one side of the inequality by subtracting 1 from both sides: