Information and Ideas

Reading and understanding what you're reading is essential in today's world. It is like having a superpower! It means you can learn new things quickly and easily and use that knowledge to develop your ideas and solutions to problems.

You must read textbooks, articles, and other materials in school to learn about different subjects. However, comprehending what you are reading is also important outside of school. For example, you might need to read instructions for a project you are working on or want to learn about something you're interested in.

If you can comprehend what you're reading, you can generate ideas based on your learning. Consequently, you can think critically about the information and come up with your conclusions. In addition, you can come up with new and creative solutions to problems based on what you have learned.

In today's society, many jobs require people who can read and comprehend information quickly and effectively. For example, if you work in a field like science or engineering, you'll need to read technical reports and research papers to stay up-to-date on the latest developments. Comprehending what you are reading can help you do your job better and make significant contributions to your field.

So, if you want to succeed in school and life, working on your reading and comprehension skills is essential. Read as much as possible, practice taking notes, and ask questions when you do not understand something. With practice, you will become a better reader and be able to generate your ideas based on what you have learned.

Explicit or Implicit

In English, whether you're reading a book, an article, or even listening to someone speak, you'll come across information and ideas that can be either explicit or implicit.

Explicit information and ideas are straightforward and directly stated. They are easy to understand because they are clear. For example, if someone says, "I'm tired," then it's explicit that they are feeling tired.
Implicit information and ideas, on the other hand, are not directly stated but rather implied through context clues or hints. This means that you'll have to think a bit to figure out what the speaker or writer is trying to convey. For example, if someone says, "I'm going to go hit the books," it might be implicit that they will study.