Conversion Problems Metric to Metric P2: Maths

In this second part of the revision topic, we will discuss Conversion Problems from Metric to Metric. You can read part 1 here:

Conversion Problems Metric to Metric P1 • Maths Revision Quiz | GCSE.CO.UK
Metric-to-metric conversions involve changing a quantity from one metric unit of measure to another. For example, converting meters to centimetres or litres to millilitres.

Conversion problems are common mathematical problems requiring students to convert one unit of measurement to another. These problems are typically encountered in science, engineering, and everyday situations where different measurement systems are used. In this example, we will be looking at metric-to-metric conversions.

Metric-to-metric conversions involve converting between different units of the metric system. The metric system is a system of measurement used in most parts of the world, and it is based on the International System of Units (SI). The SI units are defined in terms of physical standards and are used to measure quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature, and electric current.

The metric system uses a decimal system of prefixes to indicate the size of a unit. These prefixes are based on powers of 10, and they allow us to express measurements in different units related to each other. For example, we can use prefixes to convert metres to centimetres or grams to milligrams.

To solve a metric-to-metric conversion problem, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Identify the given unit and the desired unit.

In any conversion problem, we need to know what units we are starting with and what units we want to end up with. This will help us choose the appropriate conversion factor to use.

Step 2: Write down the conversion factor.

A conversion factor is a ratio that relates two units of measurement. For example, the conversion factor for metres to centimetres is 100 cm/m.

Step 3: Set up the conversion equation.

To convert between two units, we need to multiply the given value by the appropriate conversion factor. Then, we can set up an equation that shows this relationship. For example, if we want to convert 2 metres to centimetres, we can write:

m × 100 cm/m = 200 cm